This morning’s scheduled post has been preempted by a last minute pang of consciousness. I'm unsure as to how many people will read this. Posts such as these don't receive much play.
I had prepared a well-reasoned rant about the state of politics in our country today, but suddenly a thought occurred to me. The naked acrimony and rancor present in our political system today directly reflects the relationships among individual citizens. More simply and aptly put, we have got to start treating each other much better than we do.
My grandmother had a great influence on my life. She taught me a great many lessons. Some of them I understood at the time; however, others I did not understand until much later. But whether I understood or not, because of my immense respect for this woman, I attempted to heed each lesson.
One of the things she insisted on is that I a treat each and every person with whom I come in contact with dignity and respect, especially old folks and babies, regardless of how well I knew them, regardless of how they treated me. Her phrase was “always recognize the humanity of every man.” She reasoned that angels walk on earth among us, and that we never knew when we were in the presence of angels, when we were being tested.
And, I must admit, this seemed kind of far-fetched at the time. I didn’t buy that whole angels everywhere thing. But I heeded my grandmother’s words just the same.
But now as an adult, I look around and see how broken we all are. Let me reiterate that point. In some way or another, we all are broken people. In some way or another, we have all been hurt. We have come short of our goals. We have faced disappointment. We are all dealing with moments in our past, moments in this nation’s history, which have been painful for us and continue to cause us great trepidation. Moments we thought we might never recover from. Moments which have cut us to the very quick.
And we have come out on the other side broken. But because life requires that we carry on, we have pushed that hurt, that pain, back deep into the recesses of our minds. But in dealing with others, that hurt, that pain, resurfaces, and we re-enact the moment of our original trauma on others. Who, in turn, re-enact it on others. Who, in turn, re-enact it on even others, until we are all caught in a tautological loop of perpetual animosity and distrust.
Certainly I admit that perhaps the whole concept is too idealistic, corny even, but I am going to do my part and recognize those broken parts of myself and attempt to confront them and heal them. So to begin this week, I will not post that angry but well reasoned rant.
Instead, despite what is going on around us, despite the negativity I am bound to face the moment I step out the front door, the moment I turn on the television, I will remain positive. I will attempt to keep smiling. And I hope that my positivity and my smile will somehow be infectious and encourage positivity and a smile in others I come in contact with. Who will, in turn, encourage positivity and a smile in even others, until we are caught in a tautological loop of perpetual good will and faith.
Yes, I am broken, but I will take time to deal with my issues. But in the meantime, I will take the time out to simply wish you heaven.
[Thanks to Mike over at My II Sense for inspiring this anti-rant.]
Please comment as to how you will be a blessing to someone this week?
That was the first time I read an anti rant. Big ups for not letting negativity control you.
I am so happy I came here this morning. I know this post is meant to be positive, but it sure did make me cry. I will take heed your words and apply them to myself. Do you mind if I share this with my friends. Some of them could use it just as much as I could.
Your Granny sounded like an Angel. Good luck on your journey of self healing and positivity.
@ md20737
Many people write without truly taking in account the power of words and the effect words have on people. So many people are publishing angry rants these days not nowing what power these rants have on those reading them. Perhaps an anti rant will stir up the same sentiments while achieving the same goals.
@ Simone
By all means, please share them with as many people as you can.
Thanks for the anti rant. I'll keep my smile on call and on point.
I love it! I've been transforming my thoughts & the way in which I go about my daily life. it's simple, the more positive you are, the more good that you will see. It's here, it's around us...the laws of attraction says like attracts like, therefore I try to emmulate what I want to attract more of...
I've been pushing this book (The Secret) on everyone whom I think could take something from it...
check it out
BTW I tried to follow you on twitter but your twit button on your page isn't working. I'm @DCDatingDiva on twitter
Excellent post. There is a Buddhist word...Namaste...It is a way of greeting people that says loosely translated..."the humanity in me recognizes the humanity in you" Some people substitute the word "god" for "humanity"...the meaning is the roughly the same...
Your grandmother was teaching you one of the governing laws of the universe...
We are missing several things in today's public discourse..courtesy, civility, class and honesty...
Namaste as a greeting to your fellow persons, is a way of remembering what it is that we need from each other..
Very inspirational. I try to remain optimistic in my life. it's hard to do all day everyday. but for the most part, I want to look on the bright side of life, because it's easier to look at the negative aspects.
A wonderful way to start the week, brother. The older I get the more I realize it is easier to put forth kindness and blessings toward others than be caught up in all that is wrong, all that is not right, all that is...about you? In the end, do the fleeting moments that inspire rants really matter? Or is it priceless to aim for goodness and be of service to your fellow man, someone who probably really could use a hand. Great way to start the week.
Sending major PROPS your way.
Ha, Max! So much for this post not getting much play. These are the sorts of things our broken-bruised-angry-bitter generation generations needs to hear. Everyday! That we can take our bitterness and re-focus it on something more positive.
It's particularly timely, seeing as this past Sunday, my Pastor talked about this similar trend of thought: taking our daily temptations, distractions and hurt and re-directing our attentions to something more positive. This is not running away from your issues, rather choosing to handle negativity by replacing it with positivity.
Very inspirational!
Well said! We are all broken to some extent, some more than others. It's easier for some people to stay in their "broken" mindstate, but I think Erykah Badu said it best, "Love can make it better,", and we have to start showing more love towards one another.
Thank you. This week--I will post love poems.
Max, I am love your post.
As a new school year is about to start I often being the year in my World Geography class with the idea that the people of the world are more alike than different. We are all looking for love, a way to take care of ourselves and family, find peace and place to lay our heads.
Your Grandmother was is absolutely right, we do need to find the humanity within each other.
Thanks for sharing!
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